Intellijel - Metropolis
Intellijel - Metropolis
The Metropolis is a unique and powerful musical sequencer inspired by the Ryk M-185 (a Roland System 100m format sequencer), but with many additional enhancements and functions.
The Metropolis comprises eight “STAGES,” each with its own assignable gate mode, pulse count and pitch value. Each stage can also have a special slide or skip function activated too. The slide functionality is a constant time portamento very similar to the Roland TB303 (unlike most synths/sequencers that use constant rate portamento) which produces a very musical and interesting result.
In addition to the base sequencer settings set with the sliders and switches there is a full menu of controls and auxiliary modifiers that allows the user to control and manipulate the sequence in many powerful ways including: sequencer direction modes; pitch quantization and scale manipulators; clock dividers; shuffle; and much more.
10 Sequencer Modes: Forward, Forward-fixed, Reverse, Reverse-fixed, PingPong, PingPong-Fixed, Random, Random-fixed, Brownian, Brownian-fixed
Internal quantizing in any key and a choice of 30 different scales
Shortcut keys and ratcheting
Two assignable AUX inputs which can control: gate length, transpose, key shift, root shift, sequence length, step division and octave offset.
TB-303 style slide (constant time portamento) with adjustable time
Shuffle and Stage Skipping
Can act as a master clock with tap tempo or slave to an external clock
SYNC output to slave other sequencers via RESET
SAVE/LOAD panel settings to EEPROM
All the core original RYK m185 functions are there too. Read more about the original project here and here
Skiff friendly
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